Public Service Commission 📌️ āļģාāļĸ්‍āļē āˇƒේāˇ€ා āļšොāļ¸ිāˇāļą් āˇƒāļˇාāˇ€

----āļģාāļĸ්‍āļē āˇƒේāˇ€ා āļšොāļ¸ිāˇ‚āļą් āˇƒāļˇාāˇ€---- 

āļĸාāļ­ිāļēේ āˇ€ිāˇිāˇ‚්āļ§āļ­්āˇ€āļē āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා āļšැāļ´āˇ€ූ āļģාāļĸ්‍āļē āˇƒේāˇ€āļēāļš්.

āˇƒාāļ°ාāļģāļĢāˇ€, āˇ€ිāļąිāˇ€ිāļ¯ āļļāˇ€ිāļą් āˇ„ා āˇƒāļ¸ාāļąුāļšූāļŊāˇ€ āļ¸āˇ„āļĸāļąāļēාāļ§ āˇƒේāˇ€āļē āļšිāļģීāļ¸āļ§, āļšාāļģ්āļēāļš්āˇ‚āļ¸, āˇ€ිāļąāļēāļœāļģුāļš āˇƒāˇ„ āļ­ෘāļ´්āļ­ිāļēāļ§ āļ´āļ­් āļģාāļĸ්‍āļē āˇƒේāˇ€āļēāļš් āˇƒ්āļŽාāļ´āļąāļē āļšිāļģීāļ¸ āˇƒāˇ„ āļ´්‍āļģāˇ€āļģ්āļ°āļąāļē āļšිāļģීāļ¸.

āļģාāļĸ්‍āļē āˇƒේāˇ€ා āļšොāļ¸ිāˇ‚āļą් āˇƒāļˇාāˇ€ේ āļ…āļģāļ¸ුāļĢු----
* āļģාāļĸ්‍āļē āˇƒේāˇ€āļēේ āļ´āļ­්āļšිāļģීāļ¸්,āļ‹āˇƒāˇƒ්āļšිāļģීāļ¸් āˇ„ා āˇ€ිāļąāļē āļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා āļ´්‍āļģ‍āļ¸ිāļ­ි, āļ´්‍āļģ‍āļ­ිāļ´āļ­්āļ­ි,āļ¸ාāļģ්āļœෝāļ´āļ¯ේāˇ āˇ„ා āļąීāļ­ිāļģීāļ­ි āļēāļąාāļ¯ිāļēāļ§ āļ…āļąුāļšූāļŊāˇ€ āļšāļ§āļēුāļ­ු āļšāļģāļ¸ිāļą් āļ¸ාāļąāˇ€ āˇƒāļ¸්āļ´āļ­ āˇƒāļ­ු āļšාāļģ්āļēāļš්āˇ‚āļ¸āļ­ාāˇ€ āˇ„ා āˇƒāļĩāļŊāļ­ාāˇ€ āˇƒ්āļŽාāļ´āļąāļē āļšිāļģීāļ¸, āˇ€ැāļŠිāļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āļšිāļģීāļ¸ āˇ„ා āļ­ිāļģāˇƒාāļģāˇ€ āļ´āˇ€āļ­්āˇ€ා āļœෙāļą āļēාāļ¸.

* āļģාāļĸ්‍āļē āˇƒේāˇ€āļēේ āļ…āļ›āļĢ්āļŠ āļ‹āļą්āļąāļ­ිāļē āˇ€ෙāļąුāˇ€ෙāļą් āļ­ීāļģāļĢ āļœැāļąීāļ¸ේ āļš්‍āļģිāļēාāˇ€āļŊිāļēāļ§ āˇƒāˇ„āļē āˇ€āļąු āļ´ිāļĢිāˇƒ, āļ‘āļšිāļąෙāļšāļ§ āˇ€ෙāļąāˇƒ්āˇ€āļą āˇ€ාāļ­ාāˇ€āļģāļĢ āˇ„āļ¸ුāˇ€ේ āļ‹āļ¯්āļœāļ­āˇ€āļą āļ…āˇ€āˇ්‍āļēāļ­ාāˇ€āļŊāļ§ āļœැāļŊāļ´ෙāļą āļ´āļģිāļ¯ි āˇƒංāˇ€ේāļ¯ී āļŊෙāˇƒ āļšāļ§āļēුāļ­ු āļšිāļģීāļ¸.

* āļļāļŊāļē āļ…āļˇිāļąිāļēෝāļĸිāļ­ āļļāļŊāļ°āļģāļēāļą්āļœේ āļ…āļ¯ාāˇ… āļąිāļēෝāļœ āļ¸āļŸිāļą් āļ…āļ­ෘāļ´්āļ­ිāļēāļ§ āļ´āļ­් āļģāļĸāļēේ āļąිāļŊāļ°āļģāļēāļą්āļœේ āļ…āļˇිāļēාāļ āļąා āˇƒāļ¸්āļļāļą්āļ°āˇ€ āļ¯ෙāļ´ාāļģ්āˇāˇ€āļēේāļ¸ āļšāļģුāļĢු āˇƒāļŊāļšා āļļāļŊāļ¸ිāļą් āˇƒාāļ°ාāļģāļĢ āˇ„ා āļąිāˇ€ැāļģāļ¯ි āļ­ීāļģāļĢāļēāļą්āļ§ āļ‘āˇ…āļšීāļ¸.

*āˇƒේāˇ€ා āļ…āļˇිāļ´්‍āļģේāļģāļĢāļē āˇ„ා āļģැāļšිāļēාāˇ€ේ āļ­ෘāļ´්āļ­ිāļē āˇƒāļŊāˇƒා āļ¯ෙāļ¸ිāļą් āˇ€āļŠාāļ­් āˇƒුāļ¯ුāˇƒු āļąිāļŊāļ°āļģāļēāļą් āˇƒේāˇ€āļēෙāˇ„ි āļģāļŗāˇ€ාāļœැāļąීāļ¸ āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා āˇ€ිāˇ€ිāļ° āļšුāˇƒāļŊāļ­ා, āļ¯ැāļąුāļ¸ āˇ„ා āļ´āˇ…āļ´ුāļģුāļ¯්āļ¯ āļŊāļļා āļœැāļąීāļ¸āļ§ āļ‰āļŠāˇ„āļģිāļ¸ිāļą් āļ´ුāļ¯්āļœāļŊ āˇ€ෘāļ­්āļ­ීāļē āˇƒංāˇ€āļģ්āļ°āļąāļē āļ…āļ­්āļšāļģ āļœැāļąීāļ¸ āˇƒāˇ„āļ­ිāļš āˇ€āļąු āļ´ිāļĢිāˇƒ āļģාāļĸ්‍āļē āļąිāļŊāļ°āļģāļēāļą් āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා āļ´ිāˇ…ිāļœāļ­් āˇ€ෘāļ­්āļ­ීāļē āļ¸ාāˇ€āļ­āļš් āˇƒ්āļŽාāļ´ිāļ­ āļšිāļģිāļ¸.

*āˇ€ෘāļ­්āļ­ීāļē āļ†āļ ාāļģ āļ°āļģ්āļ¸  āļ´ිāˇ…ිāļ´āļ¯ිāļą, āˇ€ිāˇ‚āļ¸ාāļ ාāļģ āļš්‍āļģිāļēාāˇ€āļŊිāļą් āļ­ොāļģ āˇ€ිāļąāļē āļœāļģුāļš āļģාāļĸ්‍āļē āļąිāļŊāļ°ාāļģිāļēāļšු āļąිāļģ්āļ¸ාāļąāļē āļšිāļģීāļ¸.

---- Public Service Commission ----


A dedicated public service dedicated to the nation's excellence.

Mission -----

To establish and promote efficient, disciplined and satisfied public service to serve the public fairly, transparently and equally.

Objectives of the Public Service Commission ----

* Establishment, improvement and maintenance of the efficiency and effectiveness of the human resource base in accordance with the standards, policies, guidelines and regulations for the public service, promotions and disciplinary control.

* To be sensitive to the needs that arise in the changing environment in order to support the decision making process for the continued service of the public service.

* Considering the just and right decisions, considering the objections of both parties to the appeals of the Public Officers who are displeased with the regulations of the authority empowered by the authorities.

* Establishment of a recognized career path for public officers in order to ensure the personal professional development, allowing them to acquire various skills, knowledge and experience to retain the best possible officers in service motivation and job satisfaction.

* Creation of a responsible government officer who practices professional ethics and discipline.
